EVERY PARENT & COACH MUST CHECK-IN AT THE CHECK-IN TENT OR TABLE. ***VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION: EVERY PLAYER AND COACH WHO WANTS TO BE IN THE TEAM PHOTO MUST FILL OUT AN ORDER FORM. IF YOU ARE NOT PLACING AN ORDER YOU ONLY NEED TO FILL OUT THE RED BOXED AREA. Please use this online order form for purchases only. ALL PHOTOS WILL BE FULL LENGTH, HEAD TO TOE. Players should check in 15 minutes before their scheduled picture time and be picture-ready with shirts tucked in. Each player will take 2 consecutive photos and then will be dismissed. *All products (excluding trader cards) will only include the player’s first name. *Buddy photos are only applicable with items H through L. Buddy graphics will not fit on other products. The online order form will be available until 11:59 PM the day before picture day. Please call our new phone number or email us with any questions. ONLINE ORDER: https://memorymakersstudio.easyphotoorder.com/event/BUSTLETONFALL2019